1. Chinalco, for example, has stirred criticism by evicting locals to develop copper deposits in Toromocho, Peru. 例如,中铝为了在秘鲁特罗·莫克(Toromocho)开采铜矿资源而迁走了当地居民,此举已引发了批评。
2. Lrud daemons are responsible for scanning in memory pages and evicting pages in order to empty locations in real memory. lrud守护进程负责在内存分页中进行扫描,并回收某些分页以便为实际内存腾出空间。
3. Galinis has another reason to clear out her apartment's freezer: her landlord is in the process of evicting her and her 3-year-old son. 还有一个原因促使盖丽丝清空她的冰箱:她的房东打算将她和她三岁大的儿子赶出去。