1. So the Greek crisis festered and spread. 所以希腊的危机festered和传播。
2. The wound festered. 伤口溃烂了。
3. Wounds festered in the damp, they never healed. 伤口在潮湿中溃烂,永远也不能愈合。
4. Over 15 years national embitterment festered and yearning intensified. 15年来,这个国家的愤懑日益加剧,而渴望也愈来愈强烈。
5. Not all Irishmen were happy with this, however, and a problem festered that has remained with the nation to this day. 但是,并不是所有的爱尔兰人都愿意合并,所以一个令人烦恼的问题也就随着这个民族一直延续到今天。