1. The company is profiting by selling carbon dioxide to beverage companies to add fizz to their drinks. 该公司通过向饮料公司出售二氧化碳来增加饮料中的气泡而获利。
2. Bottled-water giants such as Nestlé, the Coca-Cola Company, and Pepsi reckon that the market will continue to fizz. 像雀巢、可口可乐、百事可乐等瓶装水巨头公司认为这一市场将继续充满活力。
3. After winning a strong mandate for change and a big majority in parliament, he started at the Elysée with characteristic fizz. 在赢得强有力的改革授权和议会的多数席位后,他以其标志性的活力开始了在爱丽舍宫的生涯。
4. The accolade, awarded by the magazaine Total Politics, goes to the bizarre video cover of the Bucks Fizz classic "Making your mind up". 由 Total Politics 颁发的荣誉,授予给了 Bucks Fizz 怪异的古典音乐《振作起来》的视频封面。