1. It's not the tree that forsakes the flower. 这不是树,抛弃了这朵花。
2. Harsh correction is for him who forsakes the way. 舍弃正路的人,必遭受严厉管教。
3. Who forsakes the partner of her youth and forgets her sacred convenant; 她离弃幼年的配偶,忘了神的盟约。
4. His life is a tragic example of what. Can happen when someone forsakes the Lord. 他的生命是一段悲惨的例证,证明一个人弃绝上帝会有什么事情发生。
5. Budget2A new website - coming "soon" - forsakes the comprehensiveness gods and will focus on discount airlines only. 有一个“即将”推出的新网站,将摒弃传统的综合机票产品,而只把重点放在廉价航空的产品搜索方面。