1. The poem vividly describes how the goose swims and frolics on the water. 这首诗写了鹅游戏时的神态,很生动。
2. A young sea otter frolics in Monterey Bay, California, as a diver watches nearby. 一只年幼的小海獭正在加利福尼亚的蒙特雷湾欢快地嬉戏,一点儿也没在意边上的潜水员。
3. Many English seaside towns seem as if they are stuck in a time warp, in an era when families and charabancs full of factory workers would converge on the shore for fun and frolics. 英国许多海滨小镇仿佛被卡在时间隧道里了,至今仍然停留在那个全家人和装满工人的大游览车聚集在海边欢乐嬉闹的时代。