1. Blend a banana, strawberries, and blueberries into a frothy smoothie, and you've got a delicious arsenal of disease-fighting vitamins and minerals. 饮用一杯用香蕉、草莓和蓝莓混合而成的泡沫奶昔,不仅美味,它其中所含有的维他命和矿物质还能帮你抵御疾病,增加抵抗力。
2. Soapberries can be whipped into a frothy treat. 可以将无患子属植物打成泡沫状。
3. The appearance of sputum also showed the process from watery frothy sputum to mucus sputum to mucopuraleat sputum. 痰液的出现也显示了从含水泡沫状痰液到粘液痰液到粘膜粘液痰液的过程。
4. But asset prices look dangerously frothy. 但是资产价格泡沫丛生,情势危险。
5. This isn't 1999, but the tech sector is getting frothy. 现在不是1999年,但是科技业的泡沫正在形成。