1. I could write for TV as well as any of those goofs. 我写的电视剧肯定不比那些蠢蛋写得差。
2. He always goofs off. 他总是糊里糊涂。
3. He never goofs off. 他从不混过日子。
4. Sometimes it is nice to learn from another persons goofs rather than your own! 有时,从别人的错误中吸取教训而非从自己的错误中吸取教训是件好事。
5. The big goofs, sunshine optimistic you, to work hard serious you, loving you, strong you, filial you are very attractive. 喜欢搞怪的你,阳光乐观的你,对工作努力认真的你,有爱心的你,坚强的你,孝顺的你都很迷人。