1. As the sea creeps into these fresh water marshes, however, rising salinity is hampering rice production. 然而,随着海洋蔓延至这些淡水沼泽,盐度的上升正在阻碍水稻的生产。
2. Some industry members contend that having 50 different sets of rules, licensing fees and even definitions of "medical practice" makes less sense in the era of telemedicine and is hampering its growth. 一些业内人士认为,在远程医疗的时代,50套不同的规则、不同的许可费用甚至是对“医疗实践”的不同定义都没有什么意义,并且阻碍了远程医疗的发展。
3. As the sea creeps into these freshwater marshes, however, rising salinity is hampering rice production. 然而,随着海水侵入淡水湿地,不断增加的盐分正在妨害稻米产量。
4. Removing the boxes will reduce the number of prank calls without hampering people's ability to report a fire. 移除盒子将减少恶作剧电话的数量,同时也不会对人们报告火灾的能力造成影响。
5. It is already hampering the oyster harvest and the Dungeness crab fishery, and it interferes with the recreational use of beaches and waterfronts. 它已经妨碍了牡蛎的收成和邓杰尼斯捕蟹业的发展,还影响了海滩和海滨的娱乐用途。