1. Colds mutate even while they're infecting you, and new strains pop up so often that by the time drug-makers create a vaccine against one variation, the serum is already out of date. 即使在感染你的时候,感冒病毒也会发生变异,而且新的病毒毒株经常出现,以至于当制药商研制出针对其中一种变异的疫苗时,血清已经过时了。
2. This one seems to be infecting more young people. 而这次流感的受害者似乎更多的是年轻人。
3. For the Mugabe pattern is in danger of infecting many parts of Africa. 穆加贝统治模式对非洲其他地区流毒甚广。
4. False-negatives mean that people take no precautions to prevent infecting others. 假阴性则意味着人们将不会采取任何预防措施防止将疾病传染给他人。
5. Wolbachia bacteria are widespread parasites, infecting both insects and nematode worms. 沃尔·巴克氏体细菌广泛传播寄生虫,感染昆虫和线虫。