1. Have life not introspecting, worthy to be alive life. 没有经过反省的人生,是不值得活的人生。
2. Therefore, it is necessary to carry on introspecting and criticizing this theory. 因此,有必要从理论上对这一命题进一步进行反思和批判。
3. Regroup periodically by introspecting and checking if you are moving in the right track. 通过自省和核对是否在正确的轨迹上来进行周期性的部署。
4. This is not only great for creating applications quickly but also lends itself to introspecting a running application. 这不但适合快速创建应用程序,而且有助于对运行中的应用程序进行内省。
5. Using these capabilities and similar features, you can find just about everything you need for quickly introspecting on a class or object. 使用这些功能及类似的特性几乎可以找到在类或对象上进行快速自检所需的一切。