1. Their jargon is impenetrable to an outsider. 他们的行话外人听不懂。
2. A lot of the jargon they use is unintelligible to outsiders. 他们所用的大量行话是外人听不懂的。
3. The manual is full of the jargon and slang of self-improvement courses. 该手册中满是自我完善课程的行话和俚语。
4. The jargon in his talk was opaque to me. 他谈话中使用的行话对我是一团迷雾。
5. Management jargon can alienate staff and leave bosses looking untrustworthy and weak, according to a survey commissioned by Investors in People. “人力投资者”委托进行的一项调查表明,管理套话会使员工产生疏离感,同时会让老板显得不堪信任、缺乏实力。