1. The staff are getting the public carriages ready for a knees-up later in the evening. 列车员们在整理公共车厢,准备晚上的庆典。
2. Dad comes up from the basement in his gimpy comic trot, concerned, takes a bullet in the chest, drops to his knees, takes one in the head, and that's that. 爸爸滑稽地一瘸一拐从地下室里小跑上来,结果胸口挨了一枪,跪倒在地,接着头上又中了一枪,就这样完了。
3. She curled up in a tight ball, with her knees tucked up at her chin. 她蜷缩成紧紧的一团,膝盖顶着下巴。
4. I hope I can run for a long time, but I think my knees are probably going to give up. 我希望我能跑很久很久,但我想我的膝盖可能要不行了。