1. Why simply punish CIA lackeys, rather than those who oversaw them? 为什么只惩罚中情局的底层人员而非其监管者呢?
2. "You are to use this room, Miss Madenda," said one of the stage lackeys. “你用这一间吧,麦登达小姐,”一个后台侍役说。
3. "That man Wheeler's sick," reported one of the lackeys to the night clerk. 那个叫惠勒的人病了,“一个茶房向夜班办事员报告说。”
4. He orders his Quarren lackeys to place Anakin and Kit inside a cage of electrified Mon Cala eels. 他命令他的夸伦人手下把阿纳金和基特关进蒙卡拉电鳗笼里。
5. For example, he could channel more federal money into decentralised trusts and so bypass the state governors and their lackeys altogether. 比如说,他可以将更多的联邦资金下发于地方的基金会,这样就可以错开州长与其仆从。