2. Lay into them with a will, then, and remember that this is the beginning of the end! 勇敢地杀进他们当中,记住,这是结束的开始!
3. Parasitic wasps learn from experience how many eggs to lay into the eggs of different host species. 把很多但下到宿主的蛋上面的方法,黄蜂从这经验中学习下蛋法。
4. The stronger your friendship, the more you can lay into each other and still come away with warm feelings. 你们的友谊越坚固,你们就越能贬损对方,还觉得很暖心。
5. The Kenyan public has also been watching closely as some of the world’s brainiest and best-paid defence lawyers lay into the prosecution’s case with fluency and flair. 就在全世界一些最聪明、要价最高的辩护律师以其雄辩的口华就这项起诉慷慨陈词之际,肯尼亚公众也密切关注着这一事件。