1. A couple of urn-shaped neo-Classical lovelies (French, 1820) are even made of papier-m? 几个瓮状新古典主义风格的可爱包包(法国,1820年)甚至是用纸浆制成的。
2. Black Turtle BeansCombine these little lovelies with cumin, garlic and orange juice or toss them with olive oil, cilantro and chopped veggies for two incomparable salads. 黑龟豆将这些小可爱的小茴香,大蒜,橙汁或橄榄油他们折腾,香菜和切碎的蔬菜沙拉两个无比。
3. If you play this head sorting game regularly it will soon become very natural to you and you can rejoice in becoming one of those chilled out lovelies who can go with the flow of life. 如果你按时照这个法子来整理自己的脑袋,很快你会自然而然地养成习惯,你会高兴地发现自己已经变成一个可以潇洒面对人生起落的酷哥酷姐了。