1. You should pay attention to insects, mildews, and do not put it with those... 应该注意防虫。防霉变。防虫蛀,不得与有害物质放在一起。英文是什么?。
2. If you are using hay for bedding, you will need to change the hay almost every day, since it mildews quickly after getting wet. 如果你正在用干草做垫料,则你需要每天更换干草,因为干草弄湿后很快会被霉菌侵袭。
3. Simultaneously, a part of the compounds also have better sterilizing activity and can be used for controlling rice blasts, cucumber downy mildews and anthraxes. 同时,本发明的部分化合物还具有很好的杀菌活性,可用 于防治水稻稻瘟病、黄瓜霜霉病、炭疽病。