1. With all of these miscues, the only recent admission by the NBA in a crucial game was in the Dallas-Denver series. 在这么多错误中,唯一一个最近被NBA在关键比赛中加入的是在达拉斯和丹佛的系列赛中。
2. But none of G.M. 's management miscues was so damaging to its long-term fate as the rich pensions and health care that robbed General Motors of its financial flexibility and, ultimately, of its cash. 但是对于通用汽车的长远命运而言,这些管理上的失误并没有昂贵的养老金和医疗保健那般致命,这些支出让通用汽车的财务丧失了灵活性,最终也丧失了资金。