2. The problem is that this kind of language buries ideas and muddies thinking. 问题在于,这种表达掩盖了所要表达的观点,搅浑了沟通者的思维。
3. Being in Lhasa, I have experienced muddies faces with purest eyes and serenest expressions. 在拉萨,我见过最污浊的面孔,见过最清冽的目光,见过最安详的神情……
4. That hardly proves that moderate drinking cuts the risk of cancer, but it sure muddies the water. 这确实很难证明适量饮酒能够降低患癌的风险,但却一定能够混淆视听。
5. The introduction of a child further muddies the waters and makes Henry, Clare and child seem kookier and creepier than "The Addams Family." 电影接着又添入亨利和克莱尔的孩子,更是淌混水,倒像是要和《亚当斯一家》比一比谁更怪诞和叫人毛骨悚然。