1. Paul is a tedious, self-absorbed jackass who neglects his girlfriend. 保罗是个烦人的、自以为是的笨蛋,把他的女朋友忽略了。
2. She neglects people's efforts in animal protection. 她忽视了人们在保护动物方面所做的努力。
3. When someone neglects to brush their teeth, flush the toilet or wash their hands, a speaker can prompt them to do so. 当有人忘记刷牙、冲厕所或洗手时,扬声器可以提示他们去做这些事。
4. Nebraska neglects small users, as does Australia. 内布拉斯加州效仿澳大利亚的做法,将小型用户忽略不计。
5. XP's detractors claim that the process neglects design. XP的诽谤者说该过程忽略了设计。