1. In the movie, Po's father considers the son takes over the noddle business is kind of success. 此部影片中,“波”的父亲把儿子能继承面馆当成自己的成功。
2. Put the boiled noddle into cool water, then air dry. Get some oil & sesame oil into the noodle & stir. 面条煮熟后过一遍冷水,捞出风干。调如油、香油搅拌面条。
3. Hi wind, have you seen my little bird? Hes very very little. he can sing nice song and noddle his head, just as the silver bell. 大风,你有没有见过我的小鸟?它很小,很小。像银铃铛一样,会唱好听的歌谣,还会把头摇。