1. Generally, I think the policy of nonintervention is the correct one. 总的来说,我认为不干涉政策是正确的。
2. My center nonintervention concerns the ruling of civil rights and interests. 我中心不介入有关民事权益的裁定。
3. Some nations of Europe were bound by solemn nonintervention pacts with Germany. 欧洲一些国家的不干涉协定庄严德国束缚。
4. Lula altered Brazil's long-standing policy of nonintervention and got involved in conflicts in Haiti, Honduras and most controversially Iran. 卢拉改变了巴西长期的不干涉政策,参与了海地,洪都拉斯和富有争议的伊朗冲突。
5. A few years ago almost no Chinese scholar challenged the principle of nonintervention of infringing on the sovereignty of other nations. 仅在几年以前,几乎都没有中国学者敢去挑战不干涉不侵犯别国主权的原则。