1. It provides a chance for ordinaries to get rich. 它为普人变富提供机会。
2. They are a group of ordinaries, grass member of a nationality in the bottom. 他们是一群普普通通、处于最底层的草民。
3. In Australia, the All Ordinaries index lost 2.7%. The Shanghai composite slipped 3.8% lower. 澳大利亚股指下跌2.7%,上证综指下降3.8%。
4. I like the Bund, it is like a beautiful, and historical wall. Quietly embracing all the ordinaries and alternatives. 我喜欢外滩,它好像一堵美丽的,富有历史的墙。静静地抱拥着这平凡的,另类的一切。