1. This was demagogy outsmarting itself. 这是弄巧反拙的煽动。
2. Sometimes outsmarting Brazil means getting away from it altogether. 有时候赢得巴西也意味着要远离它。
3. My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forgive me for. 我的罪过是我比你聪明,而你大概永远不会原谅我比你聪明。
4. The strategies are increasingly consolidated, streamlined, and cost-effective, and they are also outsmarting the obstacles. 有关战略越来越统一,合理化,具有成本效益,它们同样超越了一些障碍。
5. The Times report suggests that he makes money mainly by outsmarting other investors, rather than by directing resources to where they’re needed. 泰晤士报的报道表明,他能赚钱主要得益于他比其他投资者聪明,而并非把资源投到应有的地方。