1. I know one investment banking boss who penalises underlings for lobbying crassly. 我认识的一位投行老板就会惩罚那些过分游说的下级。
2. That is neither efficient nor fair: it penalises those who use water sparingly as much as those who waste it. 可这既没有效率也不公平:一样对待那些节约用水和浪费的人。
3. It has just nine seats in the 480-seat lower house, and is hampered by an electoral system that penalises minor parties. 因为日共在下议院中的480席中只占有9席,而日本国内选举体系又使少数党处于不利地位。
4. Disorder and creativity are so closely linked that any employer who penalises the first sacrifices the second, they argue. 作者们争辩到,凌乱无序与创造力密不可分,因此任何雇主惩罚了前者,也就牺牲了后者。
5. A subcommittee of the Senate that looks into antitrust matters has been holding hearings into claims that the firm unfairly penalises some e-commerce services that compete with its own offerings. 就谷歌以非正当手段置其它电子商务竞争对手于不利的传言,一个专管反垄断事务的参议院下属委员会正在召开相关听证会。