1. So Blatter was smiling and pirouetting in front of the Africans in Tunis, showing off his many talents. 先是在突尼斯,他使尽浑身解数,在非洲人面前展现了一把自己的才能。
2. It looks like they must crash, this sea of people, but they swerve and swing around each other, like dancers pirouetting, and they all get to the other side safely. 看上去这些行人像要撞击在一起一样,而实际上他们像旋转的芭蕾舞者,绕过彼此,最终安全地到达对岸。
3. Pirouetting has become an integral part of 3D maneuvers. The following is some basic pirouette based maneuvers. They are simple and look very cool. You will like them. 自旋转已经成为当今3D动作的重要组成部分。以下是一些基本的自旋转动作。它们简单但看起来很酷。相信你会喜欢它们的。
4. With the helicopter hovering over the landing area, start pirouetting clockwise while the helicopter is pirouetting fly the helicopter in a Figure of Eight to the right. 在降落区的上空将直升机保持停悬,机体以顺时针的方向保持自旋,并且朝右侧开始执行外侧水平8字飞行。
5. You can imagine prizing open Nintendo's finest artists heads and being assaulted by streams of colourful invention, pirouetting toward the sky like a hyperactive jack-in-the-box. 你可以想像撬开任天堂的杰出艺术家的脑袋,潮水般的缤纷发明汹涌而来,仰慕得让人如同玩偶盒里的小人那样垫脚望天。