1. A solitary viola plucks a lonely, soft F sharp. 一把中提琴独奏出孤寂婉约的升F调。
2. Passion plucks no berries from the myrtle and ivy, nor calls upon Arethuse and Mincius, nor tells of "rough satyrs and fauns." 激情不从桃金娘和常青藤上摘取果实,不召唤阿瑞修斯和敏修斯,也不讲述“粗野的半人半羊的森林之神和农牧之神”。
3. A drowning man plucks at a straw. 溺水的人连稻草也要抓。
4. And Death, who plucks eyes like flowers. 而那将眼睛如花朵般摘下的死亡。
5. It plucks beautiful roses from brambles for us. 它从刺丛之中为我们摘取美丽的玫瑰。