2. They rafted their neighbours across the river. 他们用筏子将邻居们运过河去。
3. We actually rafted down the highest commercially rafted water fall in the world, I was told at that time. 当时他们告诉我们,我们会沿着世界上最高的商业性瀑布漂流。
4. "So when you find coarse boulders embedded in fine deposits, something must have rafted it there — in this case, an iceberg," he added. “所以,当你看到原始的残骸牢嵌在质地细的页岩中,肯定是有什么把他们搬到了这里,这种情况下,冰川正起到了这个作用。”他补充说道。
5. Traveling sometimes by skis, sometimes on foot, sometimes in kayaks, they negotiated endless mazes of rafted ice intersected by slushy leads. 他们有时滑雪代步,有时步行,有时则乘坐皮艇,越过无数交错着雪泥覆盖小路的浮冰迷宫。