1. A rangy middleweight, he fought in Cameroon and Senegal. 他四肢较长,是一个中量级拳击手,在喀麦隆与塞内加尔打过拳击。
2. Manu Brabo, a rangy Spanish photographer, also had a ready grin. 消瘦的西班牙摄影师Manu Brabo同样也随时对人面露笑容。
3. The architect is Rick Mather, an experienced American Londoner for whom the term "rangy" might have been coined. 设计者里奇·马瑟是一位来自美国的伦敦人,“瘦削”一词就像是为他度身定造的。
4. "Languid glamour," the designer said backstage, summing up the mix of rangy camel dresses and cashmere coats with luxurious sweat pants. “懒散魅力”设计师在后台说道,这个系列是驼色的广泛应用和搭配奢华运动长裤的羊毛大衣的混合。
5. The elephants, in this area have the distinction of being the largestin body size of all living elephants though the ivory is brittle and you will not see many huge tuskers amongthese rangy monsters. 这个地区的大象是所有大象中最大体形的,虽然它们的象牙易碎,在这些流浪的庞然大物中你根本看不到这些巨大的有长牙的动物。