1. She later recanted that confession and has denied wrongdoing. 她之后撤回认罪自白并否认有任何行为不当。
2. She later recanted the confession and has denied wrongdoing, he said. 她后来否认自己的供词,并否认有任何过错,他说。
3. Mr Abdullah swiftly recanted and set up a commission of inquiry into the killings. 阿卜杜拉先生旋即撤销其决定并成立一个特别委员会对该起死亡事件进行调查。
4. For the sake of his life, Galileo recanted his views in 1633, admitting that the earth did not spin on its own axis. 为了保住性命,1633年,伽利略被迫宣布放弃日心说,承认地球并不是绕着地轴旋转的。
5. But after the trial, no fewer than seven of the nine recanted. Several of them said they had felt subjected to pressure by the police. 但在审判之后,9名证人中居然有7人撤回自己的证词,其中有好几位都称由于警察施压,他们才不得不做伪证,其他人认为凶手另有其人。