1. I'm going out myself with the adjutant to recce training areas. 我要亲自和副官出去侦察一下训练地区。
2. Often they may find that the person is gift-shopping or doing a recce for a friend. 他们常常会发现该人是礼物,购物或做的朋友进行侦察。
3. On the recce you really get to feel it: when you drive into a village on those little cobbled roads it's like a cowboy riding in on his horse. 在堪路的时候你就能感受到:当你驾车通过铺满鹅卵石的道路进入村庄之时,就像是一个牛仔骑着马一般。
4. The air support requested was denied. Then taking advantage of one recce plane that was overflying that area, the german commander requested the pilot the following. 空中支援的要求被拒绝了,德军指挥官只能利用一下在这个地区上空盘旋的一架侦察机了,他要求飞行员报告如下的情况。
5. But that was three years ago now and some of the stages have changed so I know I must concentrate hard when doing the recce again next week and not just rely on my memory. 但那是三年以前,现在有一些赛段改变了,因此我知道我需要在下周的勘路中需要更加努力而不仅仅是依靠我的回忆。