1. In salt lake, the alclad on LC4 aluminum alloy remaindered for half a year, and used up for one year. The base of LC4 aluminum alloy was corroded seriously. 而在盐湖水中,半年时LC 4铝合金表面尚有包铝存在,而一年时LC 4铝合金表面包铝已完全消耗至尽,LC4的基体发生严重腐蚀。
2. Published in 1956 and out of print since 1986, "A Certain Smile" is something you may find in the remaindered bin at a used-book shop or priced at $1.99 on Amazon. 1956年出版,1986年绝版,在二手书店的减价柜或是在亚马逊上花1.99美元你就会找到这本《某种微笑》。