1. As I grow older, I like to reread the classics regularly. 随着我年龄的增长,我喜欢定期重读文学名著。
2. There are three books I reread annually. 有三本书我每年都会重读。
3. Hancock says it is also crucial whether a conversation is being recorded and could be reread, and whether it occurs in real time. 汉考克说,对话是否被记录下来并能被重读,以及谈话是否实时发生,也是至关重要的。
4. But Hancock says it is also crucial whether a conversation is being recorded and could be reread, and whether it occurs in real time. 但汉考克说,对话是否被记录下来并能被重读,以及谈话是否实时发生,也是至关重要的。
5. (That sentence is shocking but true, so reread it). 这是句令人吃惊的话,但是却是事实,所以,把它重读一遍。