1. Which civil behavior changes or rescinds by law approach? 哪些民事行为可通过法律途径变更或撤销?
2. Article 37 Where an agency bank rescinds the agency agreement with the principal bank, it shall report to the original record bank for the record. 第三十七条代理行与被代理行解除代理协议的,应向原备案行备案。
3. Palestinian officials said their decision hinges on whether Israel rescinds its plans to go ahead with more construction on lands that Palestinians claim as their own. 巴勒斯坦官员表示,该决定取决于以色列是否取消继续在巴勒斯坦领土建筑更多定居点的计划。
4. Thus the wise general does not rescinds an orders. Rewards and punishment must be carried out, much like how Heaven and Earth work, without fail. Only then the general can employ the men. 因此,将帅要令出必行,赏罚必信,象天地运行那样准确无误,才可统御众人。