1. On Judgment Day, God resurrects the dead. 审判日时,上帝复活死者。
2. The research resurrects the debate over whether there is such a thing as the human soul. 有关研究报告重新引发了关于是否存在人类灵魂的争论。
3. The kid and the judge are our own dead fathers, whom Mr. McCarthy resurrects for us to witness. “这孩子”和法官就是我们自己“死去的父亲们”,而麦卡锡先生使其复活,以让我们去亲眼见证。
4. Energy can be resurrected and reconstituted just as one resurrects the cellular structure of the form. 正是当你重建身体的细胞结构之时,能量可以被恢复并重建。
5. Twenty-three years on from the film that defined the “greed is good” era, director Oliver Stone resurrects Gordon Gekko. 23年前的《华尔街》诠释了所谓“贪婪是个好东西”的年代,而导演奥利弗·斯通决定让戈登·盖科重返大荧幕。