1. Added new sounds of ricochets and tracers (passing by shells). 增加新的跳弹音效和经过的炮弹的音效。
2. Then I drop kick the ball, intending to say "go get it." Instead it ricochets of a nearby tree and hits my face. 然后我把球丢下踢回去喊到:“接好了”球打到了一颗树上弹回来,命中我的脸。
3. One plate slams into another as the first plates slows down, creating a domino effect that rapidly ricochets around the world, within minutes. 当第一个板块减速时,另一个板块会于之撞上,造成多米诺牌效应,很快在几分钟内,全世界都在跳动。
4. Two ordinary mirrors facing each other will create a fun-house hall that ricochets an image back and forth until it vanishes into an infinite regress. 普普通通的两面镜子相对放置会产生奇趣屋[2]效应,不停地将一个物象来回映射,直至消失于无穷回溯中。
5. A safe direction means a direction in which a bullet cannot possibly strike anyone, taking into account possible ricochets and the fact that bullets can penetrate walls and ceilings. “安全的方向”指在这个方向上弹头不会击中任何人,在确定这一点时要考虑到跳弹、考虑到弹头可能穿透墙壁和天花板。