1. He risked all his money on a game of cards. 他冒险把自己所有的钱都押在了一场纸牌游戏上。
2. Going over to Clara, he said: "So you have risked it?" 他走过去对克拉拉说:“所以,你冒险了吗?”
3. When everything was settled, they all went down, the uncle carrying Clara, who could not have risked the lengthy walk. 当一切都安排妥当后,他们都下楼去了,大叔抱着克拉拉,她不能冒险走这么长的路。
4. For centuries, explorers have risked their lives venturing into the unknown for reasons that were to varying degrees economic and nationalistic. 几个世纪以来,探险家们冒着生命危险探索未知的世界,其原因在不同程度上与经济和民族主义有关。