1. Page often scoots around on Rollerblades or rides a bike. Page常常踏着溜冰鞋或等着自行车绕来绕去。
2. The taxi arrives, and as the couple walk out of the house, the cat scoots back in. 出租车到了,正当这对夫妇走出房间的时候,猫咪又窜回了屋子。
3. In another classroom, when a giddy baby waves a toy and then drops it, a small student scoots forward to offer it back. 在另一间教室,一个躁动的婴儿不停摇晃着一个洋娃娃并且扔到了地上;此时一个小学生飞奔过来捡起娃娃递回给他。
4. Imagine a city where you don't drive in loops looking for a parking spot because your car drops you off and scoots off to some location to wait, sort of like taxi holding pens at airports. 想象一下,在一座城市,你不用绕着圈地寻找停车位,因为你的车会把你放下,然后快速开到某个地方等着,有点像机场的出租车等候区。