2. Jealousy is one of the psychology origins of scorning individual moral. 嫉妒是蔑视个人的道德的心理根源之一。
3. Those who used to laughing and scorning at me will crawl on my feet before the sludge. 那些惯于嘲笑和蔑视的人将匍匐在我的脚前的污泥中。
4. Our soul is exceedingly filled with the scorning of those that are at ease, and with the contempt of the proud. 我们被那些安逸人的讥诮,和骄傲人的藐视,已到极处。
5. The heavyweight boxer looked on ordinary people with contempt, scorning them as weaklings who couldn't hurt a fly. 那位重量级拳击手蔑视普通人,轻蔑地把他们视为连苍蝇也无力气伤害的瘦弱者。