1. Some gym-goers love update their training routines and jogging routes. They particularly enjoy posting selfed taken in full-length mirrors. 一些健身者们喜欢分享自己的训练计划和慢跑路线图。他们尤其喜爱发布在落地镜前自拍的照片。
2. After being cultured 50-70 days, embryos (including mature and immature ones) as well as seedlings from the mature embryo are obtained from 7 crosses and 2 selfed cultivars with a certain frequency. 培养50—70天,7个杂交组合及2个自交品种的胚珠均获得一定频率的胚(包括成熟和不成熟胚)及成熟胚萌发的苗。