2. After the surrender, an ever-present feud over the horse smoldered between Scarlett and Suellen. 投降以后,思嘉和苏伦之间一直存在的关于那骑马的急论眼看就要爆发了。
3. Mighty towers crumbled. Black smoke billowed up from the Pentagon. Airplane wreckage smoldered on a Pennsylvania field. 双子塔楼坍塌了,五角大楼升起了黑烟,飞机在宾夕法尼亚州坠毁。
4. Boiled food materials, reduce oil of taste and relaxed. And smoldered green vegetables, is help kidney and liver, help row poison to rest water. 水煮食材口味清爽,减少油份。闷烧青菜,则是有助肝肾休息,帮助排毒去水。
5. For the next few hours Peter sat behind the steering wheel and smoldered as his children expanded on all the advantages of Junction City over Disney World. 接下来几小时,牧师握著方向盘闷闷不乐,孩子则是不断扩大彰声市比起迪士奈的好处。