1. But snaring academic superstars will be hard. 但造假的学术明星将很难混下去。
2. More so a combination of things with the one obvious aim of snaring a fish. 这么多的东西,一结合显然是为了套扎一条鱼。
3. We spent many hours of cold weather flying, playing CARDS and snaring rabbits. 我们花了许多时间在寒冷的天气里飞行,打扑克,或者捕捉兔子。
4. Mr Rudd came within a whisker of snaring bipartisan support for a market-based scheme to cut carbon pollution. 拉德以市场制方式来减少碳污染的计划差点儿就掉进了获两党支持而通过的圈套。
5. Men of all ages are graduating from nanny schools and snaring places in domestic agencies, they are called mannies. 现在各个年龄段的男性正在从保姆学校涌出,并且在家政公司谋得差事, 他们就被叫做男保姆。