1. I lay down on the bed with my shoes off to have a snooze. 我脱了鞋,躺在床上打个盹儿。
2. You snooze, you gain. 你打盹,你收获。
3. Then one group took a 90-minute snooze. 其中一组人小睡了90分钟。
4. It packs a snooze button for the rare little night owl. 它为那些少有的小夜猫子考虑,设了一个“打盹”按钮。
5. You may think it's difficult for them to sleep, but they have no such problems because giraffes don't often stop for a snooze. 你可能认为它们很难入睡,但它们没有这样的问题,因为长颈鹿不经常停下来打盹。