1. Inadequate, as in size or fullness, especially through economizing or stinting. 不充足的,如在大小或丰富程度上,尤其是通过节约或限制。
2. 'What is the good of your mother and me economizing and stinting ourselves to give you a University education, if it is not to be used for the honour and glory of God? “要是你不为上帝的光辉和荣耀服务,那么我和你母亲省吃俭用、吃苦受罪地供你上大学,还有什么用处呢?”
3. What is the good of your mother and me economizing and stinting ourselves to give you a University education, if it is not to be used for the honour and glory of God? 要是你不为上帝的光辉和荣耀服务,那么我和你母亲省吃俭用、吃苦受罪地供你上大学,还有什么用处呢?