1. Yes, indeed, I was a telecommuter at last. 是的,我终于真正成为一个“在家上班族”了。
2. For the last three years, since I stopped working as a television producer, I have done much of my work as a telecommuter. 在我不再当电视制片人的这三年间,我的大部分工作都是在家里使用计算机终端进行的。
3. On cold days, an office produces 1.3 pounds of CO2 keeping each worker warm, compared with 11.9 pounds for the average telecommuter. 在寒冷的天气里,一间办公室使员工温暖会产生1.3磅二氧化碳,与之相比,每位在家办公者平均会产生11.9磅二氧化碳。
4. On the other hand, employers who are equipped to measure output against costs may see an efficient part-timer or telecommuter as an asset. 另一方面,那些考虑了产出成本比的雇主则可能看到一个高效率的兼职者或是电子通勤族是笔财富。
5. Even rural folk whose jobs are not energy-intensive-mr Wright's wife, for example, is a telecommuter-must drive miles to the shops, or to visit friends. 甚至从事非能源密集型工作的农民——比如莱特夫人,一位远距离工作者——每逢去商店或者看望朋友都要驱车数英里。