1. A woman who writes feels too much, those trances and portents! 一个写了太多感觉的女人,这些晕眩和奇迹!
2. Some disciple went into trances as they spoke to the ancestors and were able to see our future! 有些弟子进入迷睡状态与祖先对话﹐还能够看见我们的未来!
3. Doctors tried to minister to her hysteria, depression, anorexia, insomnia, wildly alternating moods, lacerating rages, trances, fugue states, terrible confusions. 医师想要治疗她的歇斯底里、忧郁症、厌食症、失眠症、情绪极度变化、破坏性的愤怒、精神恍惚、神游症、意识混淆等病症。
4. Shamans from early tribes looked after the spiritual well being of their flock, albeit using unconventional, by today's standards, methods such as inducing trances. 早期的部落里,巫师负责看守部落的精神井。他们使用了一些在今天看来十分新奇的办法,像是催眠。