2. He left me surrounded by glasses and bottles, feeling the first 28 twinges of an afternoon hangover. 我这时才突然感觉到肚子里一下午喝下的酒精开始起作用了。
3. Even after returning home, I feel twinges of horror by seeing the situation that has been worsening at an accelerated rate in the disaster stricken areas. 回到家后,受灾地区的惨状和变得越来越糟糕的形势不断刺痛着我的心灵。
4. 'Leaning towers' - women whose heads lean forward - are most likely to report pain, with almost six in ten with this posture already suffering and three in ten having daily twinges. “斜塔形”女性的头部前倾,此类女性患上背痛的可能性最高。 “斜塔形”群体中,有接近十分之六的人已经罹患背痛,有十分之三的人遭受日常刺痛。