1. When a user mistypes, the Backspace key "undoes" the erroneous characters. 当用户输入错误时,可以按退格键“撤销”错误的字符。
2. Undoes the last action or a sequence of actions, which are displayed in the Undo list. 撤消上一个操作或者一系列操作,这些操作显示在“撤消”列表中。
3. This rollback undoes all the operations that were performed after the neworder savepoint was set. 这个回滚将撤销在设置 neworder 保存点之后执行的所有操作。
4. When this mode is active, a right-click anywhere in the document undoes the last Fill Format action. 当此模式处于活动状态时,右键单击文档中任何位置,撤消填充格式的上一次操作。
5. If the user undoes a delete, it is a different EditPart that is recreated to represent the restored object. 如果用户撤销了一个删除操作,那么用于表示被恢复对象而重新创建的EditPart与原先的EditPart是不同的。