1. The child unraveled grandma's knitting. 孩子把奶奶的毛线拆散了。
2. Studying the fruit fly, a household nuisance but a time-honored experimental subject, has enabled the secrets of how embryos develop to begin to be unraveled by scientists. 果蝇在家中招人讨厌,但却是一个历史悠久的实验对象。通过研究果蝇,科学家们得以揭开胚胎发育的秘密。
3. Slums were born; society unraveled. 贫民窟诞生了,社会被分解了。
4. She slowly unraveled. 然后她慢慢就崩溃了。
5. But by 2008, the relationship had unraveled. 但到了2008年,这种合作关系已经破裂。