1. Many prefer a familiar authority figure to a young upstart. 许多人更喜欢熟悉的权威人物而不喜欢自命不凡的年轻新贵。
2. You cannot buy class, as the old saying goes, and these upstart entrepreneurs cannot buy their prizes the prestige of the Nobels. 正如老话所说,你无法买到阶级,而这些自命不凡的企业家也无法为他们设立的奖项买到与诺贝尔奖等同的声望。
3. Not bad for an upstart. 对一个市场新贵而言,这相当不错。
4. To learn more about upstart, see Resources. 想要了解更多关于 upstart 的信息,见 参考资料。
5. Upstart also handles hot-plugging devices well. Upstart也可以很好地处理热插拔设备。