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School Life:8. Doing the Right Thing 学校生活:8.做正确的事


A: I am doing poorly in my history class. B: What is your grade? A: I have an F. B: You need to do well on the final exam. A: I am planning to study. B: That did not work all the times before. A: What do you think I should do then? B: Look at a smart person's test answers. A: But that is cheating! B: What other choice do you have? A: I would rather fail the class than cheat. B: You're a good student.

上一篇: School Life:7. Forgetting It at Home 学校生活:7.忘在家里
下一篇: School Life:9. To Borrow It from the Library 学校生活:9.从图书馆借书